Deaf Development Programme

Continuing Education

Job Training Workshop

One barber, two beauticians, three small appliance repairmen, four craftsmen and more than a half dozen seamstresses and tailors. What does this group have in common?  They are all graduates of the DDP Job Training program and are now able to work to help support themselves.  Today, this group has the opportunity for a one day workshop on continuing education – sponsored by our Job Training project team.   Not only will they learn new ways to succeed in their work, they also have the opportunity to catch-up with friends from when they went through training.

For the morning portion, the Deaf participants have the chance to voice concerns about their work and desires for the future.  A representative from the ministry was present to take these concerns back to the ministry.  A few of the desires included having the opportunity to work equal to hearing folks and to receive the same protections.  Many’s greatest desire was just to earn enough to support either their parents or a future spouse and family.

Youra, Job Training Project Assistant welcomes the participants

Youra, Job Training Project Assistant welcomes the participants

Sharing desires for the future

Sharing desires for the future


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